Friday, March 25, 2011

Failure to Launch?

AJ Update:

Got back from the doctor and all is well but he just may arrive after his March 27th due date (I told her he'd arrive on April 1st!)

Parenting with Parents:

We often come across the misled article referring to my generation as late bloomers, lazy, dependent and unoriginal. While the last description may well ring true, the others are highly mistaken. Our generation may likely be the most philosophically inclined since the French revolution. The generations that have come before us have continued to build on top of foundations laid before them. We on the other hand aren't so sure that the foundations have been laid properly.

This isn't simply the rebellion and revolting that is typical from generation to generation. No, what is transpiring as we speak is a spiritual revolution of the deepest order. And it just may work!

Children, once independent and fending for themselves, believe they will do things differently. However, many of our parents short comings derive from this attraction to independence. As Shine and I ventured to do things our own way, we too battled the propositions that were laid before us: Go it alone and struggle financially or remain at home and struggle for control. We, in all of our infinite wisdom, choose the latter.

Why? Look at the most obvious contradiction of our parents generation:

* Family is important! *
* It is where you learn about life! *

This is why you must move out & get away from them as quickly as possible! If family is important, then why would you not keep them close? If you are anything like me, you just started listening to what your parents had to say around your 20's.  So why, just when your children are ready to learn from you, would you want to push them out to fend for themselves? Additionally, Grandparents are usually looking for company, anyone really, who has time to hang out.  Who has lots of time and can find old people interesting? Babies of course! So why when you are starting your family would you run from the exact people who have the patience for your baby when you don't? So our motto will be different!

* Family is important! *
* It is where you learn about love! *

We must be humble enough to know that we are not the ones to teach our children about life, like our parents tried to teach us. No, rather it is the parents' job is to teach children about love. Life itself will teach children about life. When parents try to, it comes up short sighted and narrow, mainly because life isn't simple enough to be taught by one person, one book or one experience. When parents try to, they end up with a child who thinks they understand what life is about by their teens. Then the parents turn around and wonder where this arrogance came from. Suckers!

Realize that part of being a good mother or father means being a good wife or husband, being a dependable sibling and/or cousin and by being a respectful son or daughter to your own parents. It means loving with all your heart, those in your inner most circle. This doesn't mean you never hurt these very people. It means the pain you inflect is never an end in itself. People who love, must inflict pain. But the pain is not some kind of life lesson that builds character. Rather, it is the necessary by product of truth. The kind of truth only family members can pass on.  And unlike the lessons of life, the lessons of love can come from a single source. One parent with limitless love for his or her child is infinitely greater then two (or more?) parents who fight constantly.

For these reasons, people from whom love overflows - whether they are young or old, dark or light, hetero or homo, single or paired - make for the best parents. Alexander will be born amidst a geyser of love, flowing from an eternally renewable source within his home.

Thus, we will entrust you, wanderers of this earth, to teach him about life. We have faith, you'll do him well.

~ Namaste ~

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