Thursday, July 7, 2016

Now is the Time for Love

Solutions, not Answers
Simplicity, not Controversy
Reach Out NOW

I have not published anything of thought in some time, most likely because becoming and evolving as a parent will humble you to no end. At just over 5 years old, my son, Alexander, is already beating me in logical consistency - and that it is even close given I have 6x his experience leaves me with the thought, “what could I have to offer that a 5 year old couldn’t come up with?”

Solutions, not Answers

My daughter, Inara, 2, gets this concept. When something goes wrong, she cares not the cause. She wants her way, and will stop at nothing to find out what she has to do. This is often taken with a negative connotation, but I try to see it for what it is - simply a tendency, a way of approaching life. And one, that combined with the logical consistency of her brother, and you just might be on to an approach to this situation.

Simplicity, not Controversy

If my children’s contribution is to logically focus on solutions, then mine would be to focus on the simple, not the controversial. Are there controversial topics to be discussed? Hell yes there is. Is now the best time to answer those tough questions? While we are all very emotionally riled up? Probably Not. So let’s not. Let’s promise to though, okay? Seriously. Let’s set a date, 1 year from now, let’s promise to really revisit and begin diving into the nitty gritty of it all. But in the year leading up to then, let’s start simple. Cause Lord knows, we have a lot of small things that need fix’n too.

Reach Out NOW

I’ve left only one source of truth out, and that is my wonderful wife, Sunshine. Believe, and be supportive of those closest to you. It’s that simple. Being who I am, I’m much more suspicious by nature - and often this is a necessary thing, but oh how I look for ways to put it away one day. It then becomes a balance, but there is one thing I do know, right now is not the time for suspicion.


So I urge you to contact one person that means something to you - doesn’t have to be the one that means the most - who it is is up to you. Just reach out. Call, text, email, snap, vine, whatsapp, line, or heck, meet and talk face to face with someone that matters TODAY. Will it solve all the problems? Nope, I highly doubt it. But will it put us in a clearer state of mind to think about how to be more compassionate going forward? Me thinks it’ll help. Shoot, I bet if everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, who saw this did it, it would have a measurable impact on society.  Just a hunch, but if you don’t believe me, then prove me wrong - go ahead, you’re on the internet, you know you want to prove me wrong. But nah, for real though, just, for a day, be your most compassionate self, chat with someone that means a lot to you, and do you.

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