Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Daddy's Day 2012

An enlightened friend of mine once posed the question, How do you balance order and freedom? Being the smart alec that I am, my quick answer was, "It depends on the desired outcome." While I wholly believe in the truth of this response, even in it's brevity, I would like to take this meaning of this day to expand upon what it entails.

As a father...

  • I conform to the order of the world just enough to allow my child(ren) the freedom to make mistakes. 
  • I order my daily activities for efficiency so that my family time has the freedom to live in the moment.
  • I try to keep a first aid cabinet (and health insurance) in just enough order to allow them the freedom to experience pain with minimal worry. 
  • I wish to act in a way such that my spousal relationship is in order so that those around us have the freedom to learn what love is.
  • I will never order, demand, or enforce any personal desire out of respect for freedom.
And these are just a few of the lessons I've learned from a man who, when he was without work, helped others to find freedom that comes from their labor; a man who, when he was without health, responded with an openness to allow the universe the freedom to run its course; a man who, when he was far from family, allowed them freedom to find their own path, wherever that would lead them. 

Random as life may seem, Dad, every path in my life continues to bring me back to you. For this I am forever grateful.

Happy Daddy's Day

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